{The weekender} Bouquet

{The weekender} Bouquet


Elevate your weekend with our stunning “Weekender” bouquet featuring a beautiful collection of spring flowers, fillers, and light foliage. Enjoy the beauty well beyond the weekend.

Limited collection - available until sold out.

Color palette: changes weekly.

Delivery Dates: only available for delivery from March 14th to 17th.


Our Guarantee + Refund policy

We guarantee our flowers will last for minimum 48 after the order has been received. However if you are not satisfied with the quality or longevity please send us an email to hello@henandchicks.ca within 24 hours of receiving the order. We require 1-2 photos, a small description, along with the order number in order for us to issue a credit.

A credit will only be issued for the value of the stems affected, not the entire bouquet.

Refunds are issued in the form of an online-store credit that is redeemable for future orders on or before December 31, 2022 any remaining credit will be liquidated after this time.